Fred Block’s Capitalism: The Future of an Illusion (University of California Press, 2018) has a very clear objective—to challenge market fundamentalism by exposing its fundamental assumptions,
Uganda’s structural transformation: What’s the role of urbanisation?
How is Uganda doing on its structural transformation and what is the role of urban areas in this process? Uganda’s economy has been experiencing structural transformation for the past two decades
Urbanisation in Uganda and its Discontents
2019 was marked by the decision of the Ugandan government to create nine cities by upgrading some municipalities to this status. This is the first ever creation of cities in Uganda’s independent
Local government: 20 years later
This post attempts to analyze the local government landscape 20 years after UNCDF’s 1998 publication “Taking Risks”. Without any pretension to comprehensiveness, I will try to summarize t
Trio II: The Winter of Our Discontent (Part 2)
The three authors chose three very different entry points and perspectives to argue their case: (liberal) democracy for Mounk, inequality in the age of (liberal) capitalism for Milanovic, and (libe
Trio II: The Winter of Our Discontent (Part 1)
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.” John Steinbeck I owe the title of this review to the eponymous book of John Steinbeck who borrow
Inequality and Capitalism (Alone)
Milanovic’s Global Inequality may be a relatively old news by now. Yet, published in 2016, the book is still relevant as it anticipates many developments that we are observing today, such a
The Finance Curse: 2⅓ Books on the Danger of Financialization (Part 2)
With apologies for this digression (which I thought to be important for a more nuanced and informed discussion), let me now return to the three books under review. Hence, it is not so much th
The Finance Curse: 2⅓ Books on the Danger of Financialization (Part 1)
This is a review of three books that warn about the danger of growing financialization of developed economies: The Finance Curse by Nicholas Shaxson (2018) from where the title for this review is b
Explaining UNCDF maturity model
Explanation of the UNCDF three-phase maturity model for innovation, from innovation to consolidation to scaling up: